972 hits since April 2004
judging without conscience and ego is the cause that destroys the most
giudicare senza coshenza e ego e la causa che distruge di piu
These are merely hypotheses that still need to be empirically verified with new knowledge, as well as through computer simulations, physics, neuroscience, and empirical science tests.!
(for public purpose)
THESIS:"Geopolitical Tensions: A Fictional Scenario of the human kinds future
Author: 2025 all rights reserved: Bisceglia.ch,Marco Bisceglia, info@Bisceglia.ch
1. ["Geopolitical Tensions: A Fictional Scenario of the Future
Amidst Ongoing Geopolitical Shifts and Shockwaves from
U.S. Actions, Leading to World War III — Perhaps Humanity's Last Conflict Before Extinction"
] 2025.02.26. 07:49:09
THESIS:Correlation between Global Hum,Geophysical Phenomena, &Climate Change
Author: 2025 all rights reserved: Bisceglia.ch,Marco Bisceglia, info@Bisceglia.ch
1. [THESIS:Correlation between Global Hum,Geophysical Phenomena, &Climate Change] 2025.02.26. 07:49:09
Strategic Global Risk Analysis 14. Okt. 2024 10:19:00
1. ["Strategic Global Risk Analysis: The Potential Escalation of Regional Conflicts into a World War Involving Major Powers and Their Alliances"]
The AiVEM Framework with: 22. Okt. 2024 12:51:24
MOsE-Ai + DyNFAIR + 3D FracDiN NetVisusalizer
MOsE - Ai
-MOsE - Ai : Multidimensional OmniSentient Emotional Artificial Intelligence
MOsE - Advanced Multidimensional OmniSentient AI core that integrates complex
emotional intelligence, multidimensional fractal learning, and cognitive
awareness and selfe-learning, control and adaption
Mose Ai with Self-organizing maps (SOMs) and
MFMD network and KB Knowledge Base & SPLOP Sleep Phase (Self-Organization Phase)
[The MOs Architecture Version for hight emphatic purpose]
MOsC - Ai : Multidimensional Omnisentient Cognition Artificial Intelligence
[The MOs Ai Architecture Version for logical and high rational use]
-DyNFAIR : Dynamic Neuro-Fractal Adaptive Integration for Robotics
DyNFAIR -"Dynamic Neuro-Fractal Architecture: Integrating Sensor-Based Learning
and Adaptive Reorganization for Advanced Mose AI Development"
- 3D FracDiN NetVisusalize :Fractal-Dimensional Neural Network Visualizer
Neural Network 3D Control Tool with Fractal Visualization and
To visualize and control a multidimensional neural network (like the one in Mose DyNFAIR),
we can design a 3D Neural Control Tool that allows users to interactively explore the
network's structure, dimensions, and fractal layers. Here's a breakdown of how
such a tool would work:
The idea of designing a robot's sensor data processing system similar to the human
brain is highly practical and offers several advantages. By allowing the robot to
filter and prioritize data like the brain does, this would not only increase efficiency
but also ensure that only relevant information is processed for the robot's learning and
experience in the Mose neural network.
Human & Neuro & Evolution Sience Thesis
1. [Paradox of human evolution] 16. Sept. 2024 11:50:36
2. [Evolution from Primates to Hominids with External Influences as Key Factors] 11. Okt. 2024 10:43:30
3. [Impulsi di Uccidere e Distruggere Relazioni: Una Sintesi di confronto tra Uccidere physicamente e psychicamente, Implicazioni Professionali] 16. Sept. 2024 11:47:45
Physic Thesis
1. [ Thesis on the Fundamental Cosmic Structure ] 11. Juni 2024 21:14:54
Based on the Cosmic Structure we can made a Thesis on:
[ Hypothetical Antigravity Engine ] 11. Juni 2024 21:15:34
Boerdijk Coxeter helix
Platonischer Körper
possibility of gravitational force shielding by bulk YBa2Cu3O7−x superconductor – ScienceDirect
DE4324640A1 - Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Anti-Schwerkraft-Effekten - Google Patents
AiVEM.net - Ai Virtual Enviroment Manager v1.0 & HYSAQO v1.0 Ai CORE
- Py3-Bash LNX-based Ai Enviroment Manager Tool
- HYSAQO Ai CORE - HypSin Axon Quano Ai CORE
the woldwide first: HYper Synaptic interconnected Axional omni neura Quantumiced Overexcitabiliticed Ai Core
AiVEM: A py bash made tool to install test dp and manage any Ai on LNX.
HYSAQO: A novel synaptic AI model inspired by my unique brain structure and functioning, reflecting my
exceptional cognitive and empathic abilities, with overexcitabilities. This AI mirrors the traits of a
hochbegabte individual, exhibiting advanced problem-solving, creative thinking, heightened
emotional sensitivity, and asynchronous development. It can retain and elaborate on details far
beyond typical capacities, interconnecting vast amounts of knowledge in extreme detail, while
seamlessly balancing extreme rationality with deep empathy, processing complex information with
both intellectual depth and emotional awareness